XXXIV Congress of Polish Anatomical Society

StartXXXIV Congress of Polish An...

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee I am pleased to invite you to the XXXIV Congress of the Polish Anatomical Society, which will be held on 23-25 June 2020. Congress topics will include a broad range of anatomical issues that, despite the passage of years, are still under investigation. Congress language will be English and Polish. Congress program will include plenary lectures given by invited guests and traditionally – oral and poster sessions. Abstracts will be published in European Journal of Translational and Clinical Medicine.

Congress will be organized in Gdańsk. Its time is close to the onset of the holiday season. So I hope that the climate of silence will be shared by the participants. Tired by the scientific session they will spend with joy the first few days of holidays away from the hustle and bustle. For their part, the organizers will make every effort to ensure that Congress will be not only fruitful and valuable but also a pleasant time.

All information related to congress, i.e. registration fees, calendar, payment and booking can be found on the website.

Prof. Janusz Moryś
Chairman of the Organizing Committee